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Regulations and terms of use

1. general

    1. The website of the Edna brand - (hereinafter: "the website") is owned and operated by Edna Natural Products Ltd., P.O. 512466590 (hereinafter "Edna"). The website markets and sells Edna products as well as products from other companies.

    2. The "Edna" company is accompanied by a CPA and a lawyer on a regular basis and does everything in its power to avoid these and other consumer mistakes. If you are offended by any of the content, please bring it to our attention using the contact box at the bottom of the page.

    3. Edna does not and will not have any responsibility for products that are not produced directly by it and the users are aware of this and release Edna from any responsibility.

    4. Products that are marketed under the Edna brand are not represented by Edna, but are produced through an authorized manufacturer with approval from the Ministry of Health, and therefore responsibility for these products will apply to the actual manufacturer.

    5. The provisions of this regulation will apply to any browsing on the website, use and/or purchase of products by the user(s) on the website, and they may change from time to time, according to Edna's sole discretion. Therefore, before performing any action on the site, the user is requested to read, very carefully, the terms of use, including the privacy policy.

    6. Edna reserves the right to change, delete and/or add to these terms of use at any time and without obligation to provide prior notice and/or retroactively. Any addition and/or change made to the website, the content of the website and/or these conditions will bind the user upon continued use of it. Therefore, we recommend that the user review these terms from time to time. Using the website after making the changes indicates the user's consent to these changes. To the extent that the user does not agree to the changes, he must refrain from continuing to use the site.

    7. The binding and determining version of the regulations at any time is the version of the regulations published on the website.

    8. In any case of contradiction and/or inconsistency, of any kind and type, between the content of the website and the provisions of these regulations, the provisions of the regulations will prevail and apply.

    9. The validity of the terms of use is cumulative and not alternating, and the terms of use will be interpreted as existing side by side and not reducing the applicability of each other.

    10. Use of the website, including browsing and/or registering for the various services on the website, constitutes confirmation that the user has read the provisions of these regulations and that he agrees to the provisions of these regulations, including the terms of the privacy policy, as they will be updated from time to time, and also agrees to act on them and to accept them without any limitation or reservation . If you do not agree to the terms of use, please refrain from using the site or contact us so that we can assist you in alternative ways to your satisfaction.

    11. It is hereby clarified that the use of the masculine gender in the terms of use is done for convenience reasons only and does not harm and/or create any discrimination.

    12. The user may use the site for personal and non-commercial purposes only. It is forbidden to use the website and/or any part of it for a purpose other than personal or non-commercial use.

    13. The registration to the website as well as the use of the information that the user gave to Edna and/or that was accumulated about the user while using the website, will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of all laws and in accordance with the website's privacy policy, which is an integral part of the terms of use.

    14. For your attention: the information on the website is not intended to be used as a recommendation or instruction for the use or modification or downloading of any medicine. The information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and we recommend consulting a qualified doctor before purchasing any product.

    15. The information on the website does not constitute a qualified medical recommendation.

    16. Nutritional supplements are not approved for use in a medical condition, unless recommended by a doctor. The products marketed by "Edna" should not be seen as a medicine but a nutritional supplement based on people's cultures, monographs and sometimes scientific experiments.

  1. Privacy and information security

    1. The Edna website enables secure purchases with all types of credit cards. The "Edna" website uses the platform of the website building company Wix. The information security patches on the infrastructure are installed automatically, and the platform works in a "closed code" method that makes hacking difficult.

    2. The data traffic platform we use is external and not an integral part of our website. We use the platform provided through the Wix company (or a third-party company that has a contract with Wix) and which is secured through them and is intended for making online purchases and transactions.

    3. Information security systems for safe shopping are activated on the site based on SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). 

    4. Credit card information, PayPal account information, and bank account information are not stored on our site and we do not have the ability to access them. Not during use and/or during the purchase stages and not at the end.

    5. All customer information, except the billing information (= credit information), is stored in the system on a secure server that cannot be accessed, except for those authorized to do so.

    6. Edna undertakes that she will not use the information stored with her in any action contrary to the normal trading conditions and that she will not transfer this sensitive information to any other third party. 

  2. Prohibited uses on the site

    1. Without prior written permission from Edna, the user is not allowed to perform the following actions and/or acts when using the website and the content of the website:

      1. make commercial use of the website and/or the content of the website.

      2. Copy, reproduce, modify, process, translate, reverse engineer, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish and store the content of the website, in whole or in part.

      3. to activate or enable the activation of any computer application or any other means, including programs of the type Crawlers, Robots   and the like, for the purpose of searching, scanning, copying or automatically retrieving the content of the website.

      4. To present content from the site within a visible or hidden frame (iframe) or to present the site's content in any way, including through any software, device, accessory or communication protocol, which change their original design on the site and/or omit anything.

      5. Disrupt or violate any right of another user on the website, including the right to privacy and/or collect personal information about the users on the website without their express written consent, including by automated means.

      6. Harm the dignity or privacy of another user and/or use the website and/or the content of the website to damage the good name of any person and/or publish inflammatory, fraudulent, fraudulent, defamatory and/or any other information that is false, unreliable or has in order to hurt him on purpose.

      7. Use of the website or the content of the website to create a database and/or collection.

    2. Failure to comply with these restrictions may lead to the denial of your access to the site and even expose you to civil and/or criminal liability, according to any law.

  3. who are entitled to use the site's services

    1. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that Edna has the authority at any time and at its sole discretion to deny users access to purchase products and/or to cancel their account on the Edna site/s, should their behavior be inappropriate and/or should they make improper or unreasonable use of the site, including non-compliance with the terms of use and/or policy.

    2. Edna will be entitled to condition entry and/or use of the website, in whole or in part, on registration and/or payment, and without the user having any claim, right and/or claim in connection therewith.

  4. Ownership and intellectual property rights

    1. The website and the information that appears on it, including the design of the website, including any information of any kind and type, including any verbal, visual, audio, audio-visual content, including text, image, sound, video, in any media and on any terminal device , that exist today and/or that will exist in the future and/or any combination thereof including articles, articles, news, reviews, data, files, maps, advice, analyses, recommendations, instructions, assessments and any other information and/or content in any format, as well as their design, processing, editing, distribution and way of presentation, including (but not limited to): any image, drawing, design, photograph, illustration, animation, diagram, figure, visualization, sample, video, sound file and file musical; Any software, file, computer code, application, format, protocol, database and interface and any character, sign, symbol and icon (hereafter: "the content" or "the contents") are protected by the copyright laws of The State of Israel, international conventions and copyright laws of other countries. The user is prohibited from making changes, copying, publishing, distributing, broadcasting, displaying, performing, reproducing, issuing a license, creating derivative works or selling any part of the content contained on the website without its consent Edna's early, written and explicit.

    2. All intellectual property rights in connection with the site of any kind and type (whether it is registered rights or whether it is rights that have not yet been registered), including the domain name(s), patents, trademarks, trade names, designs, copyrights , trade secrets, reputation, 'Know How', methods, source code and binary code, trademarks, computer software, concepts, confidential information, service marks, databases, derivative works, discoveries, formulas, reputation, ideas, improvements, models, Information, innovations, inventions, knowledge, logos, market data, methods, moral rights, literary works, graphic files, technical information, the way the website is presented and designed, as well as any matter or detail related to the website, are the exclusive property of Edna or a third party. which allowed Adana to use them, and the use of all said rights is allowed exclusively for Adana (or to additional third parties, if they are licensed to do so). Do not copy, distribute, reproduce, sell, translate and/or perform any other action, commercial or non-commercial, in all types of texts and/or codes and/or images and/or trademarks and/or photographs and/or videos and/or any Other content that appears on the website, unless Edna's permission has been received for this in advance in writing.

    3. Without detracting from the foregoing, Edna's name and its trademarks, including objects related to Edna's reputation, such as (but not limited to): signs, logos, symbols, service marks, or any other object as they appear on the website, are the exclusive property of Edna and may not be used any use.

  5. Site content and advertisements

    1. The website as a whole, including all the content that appears on it is offered to the public and the user as it is. Edna's intention is that the content that appears on the website will be correct and accurate, however, the content may not be complete and alternatively there may be technical or other errors in the content.

    2. Edna is not responsible for inaccuracies, or mistakes made in relation to the content. Edna hereby clarifies that the content contained on the website is for general, informative purposes only and for the convenience of the user and does not constitute a recommendation and/or opinion regarding the products published on the website, and therefore the user is aware and agrees that any reliance on statements, positions, advice, answers, manuals, calculators or any other content displayed on the site is made at the user's discretion and sole responsibility; The user must perform all his own evaluations and tests regarding the product and/or implementation of any recommendation and/or answer and/or opinion and he waives and will be precluded from raising any claim regarding reliance on any of these.

    3. It should be clarified that the information appearing on the website and/or in the various guides and/or calculators should not be considered as medical information or medical recommendation. Before any use of the product sold in the store (food supplement, medicine or any other product) and/or the information found on the website, you should consult a doctor, pharmacist or any other professional body authorized for this, as required.

    4. Interpretation of the term nutritional supplement - a product based on folk cultures and alternative medicine, and according to plant monographs, and often backed by scientific experiments and is not a medicine.

    5. Any content and/or information presented on the website in connection with the product's characteristics, which originates from third parties, such as the importer and/or the product manufacturer and/or the service provider (as applicable), including various specifications and data, was provided by them and Adana will not have any responsibility for it.

    6. Features, models, design, colors or appearance of products described or displayed on the website, including any image or presentation of a product included on the website, are to simulate the requested product to the user in the closest and best way. If a user recognizes and/or suspects that there is a gap between the visibility of the actual requested product and the product appearing on the website, next to the description of the requested product, he must contact Adana, who will work to fix it as soon as possible, as needed.

    7. The website may include links ("links") to other websites, which are not operated by Edna. The links are intended solely for the convenience and information of the users. These links are not under Edna's control and she does not supervise the content of the linked sites. To the extent that the site contains these links, this does not indicate Edna's agreement and/or responsibility for the contents appearing on the linked sites and/or constitutes a guarantee for their reliability, up-to-dateness, correctness or legality and/or for the privacy policy and terms of use adopted by their owners. Edna is not responsible for any result resulting from the use of the linked websites and/or purchasing through them and/or relying on them and recommends carefully reading the terms of use and the privacy policy of these websites, if they exist, and/or contacting the owners of the linked websites in any case of a claim or request in this regard. Edna may at its sole discretion remove any link from the site and/or add additional links. Edna does not guarantee that the links to the aforementioned websites will be active and will lead to an active website.

    8. The information provided in relation to Edna products on the website is the only information approved by the company regarding the various products. Edna is not responsible for information written about Edna products by any third party, on websites that are not operated by Edna. Edna may take action to exercise its rights against any third party that provides information to the public that has not been approved by it.

    9. Any use of content on the website, and/or content of a third party, including any entry of the user to the websites of third parties by reference on the website and/or in an advertisement on the website, will be carried out at the sole responsibility of the user. The user will not have any claim and/or claim against Edna in connection with the content on the website, including the content provided by Edna and/or the content of a third party and also, including content regarding products and/or promotions, for any direct or indirect damage, arising from use and/ or entry as stated and/or due to reliance on third party content and/or due to violation of privacy following such use.

    10. Edna may offer on the website, for the convenience of the user, benefits for the purchase of its products in a variety of third-party businesses, for which it does not and will not have any responsibility for what is done in them. Edna will be entitled to grant benefits to some users and/or members of the club and cancel the benefits at any given time and this is subject to its sole discretion. The coupon will be subject to the conditions detailed next to it. Any consumer claim regarding the purchase of a product using the coupon, including the return of products purchased using a coupon, the price of the products, the redemption of the coupon, the use or non-use of the product, the date of its delivery, and of course any damage and/or expense incurred in relation to the product shall be against the business only and Adana shall not be responsible.

    11. Edna tries to ensure that the information provided on the website is as accurate as possible. However, there may be disruptions, inaccuracies and errors in the website and/or in the content and information presented therein, including with regard to any product and/or service and/or information on promotions, due, among other things, to acts and/or omissions of Edna and/or someone on her behalf and / or of third parties. The user hereby releases Edna from any liability due to the information and/or content provided by her on the website and/or errors therein, including for any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the user due to any such content and/or information and/or the user's reliance on it, including Regarding products, descriptions, prices, etc.

  6. Limitation of Liability

    1. Edna makes great efforts to provide you with a high-quality and safe user experience on the website. However, the Site is not immune to glitches and/or problems and you may not have access to the Site from time to time.

    2. The user is aware that the website, including any content and/or service therein, are provided by Edna in their condition as they are and subject to their availability. Edna will not bear any responsibility, express or implied, in connection with the website, including any content or service therein, as well as in connection with their suitability for a specific purpose and/or the user's requirements. The user hereby declares and undertakes that he is exclusively and fully responsible for any use he makes of the website, including any content and/or service therein and reliance on them, and that he is aware that Edna is not responsible, either directly or indirectly, for any use he makes of the said website.

    3. Edna and/or anyone on its behalf will not bear any responsibility for damage and/or loss, direct or indirect, including collateral, consequential, incidental or punitive damages (including, and without detracting from the generality of the foregoing, compensation for loss of work and business, loss of profits , work interruptions and interruptions, loss and/or loss of business information, damage to reputation, and any other loss and/or financial damage, expected and unexpected), arising from and/or related to the website, or any content and/or service therein, or any use including, but not limited to:

      1. using and/or not being able to use the website, including any content and/or service therein, for any reason;

      2. messages and/or files received by the user during and/or due to the use of the website, including any content and/or service therein;

      3. Use or reliance on information and content published on the website, either by Edna or by third parties;

      4. Any act and/or omission committed in the content of the website or in connection with it after it has been handed over to third parties;

      5. Interruptions, availability and integrity of the website, including any content and/or service therein, for any reason whatsoever, including those resulting from disruptions or failures in the internet or telephone network;

      6. Damage or loss caused as a result of an oversight, error, inaccuracy, etc., in the content of the website.

    4. Disturbance in the reception of customer details on Edna computers for any reason, including a malfunction related to Edna, will not constitute grounds for any claim and/or claim on the part of the users.

    5. The limitation of liability in this section is not intended to derogate from any other limitation of liability specified in the terms of use, including the privacy policy.

  7. Compliance with Terms and Indemnification

    1. The user hereby undertakes to comply with all legal provisions, including law and/or regulation, that may apply to his use of the website and/or our content, including these terms of use.

    2. In addition, the user undertakes to indemnify Edna and/or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense that they may incur, directly or indirectly, including damage to reputation, financial and/or commercial damage, attorney fees and legal expenses for any claim, demand and/or claim arising, directly and/or indirectly, from the violation of the terms of use and/or from any act and/or omission of the user and/or from any charge to which Edna and/or anyone on her behalf will be charged which according to conditions Edna has no responsibility for its use; or brought against them by any third party as a result of improper and/or illegal use by the user of the website and/or our content, including violation of these terms.

  8. Site availability and/or change

    1. Edna may permit or prohibit the user's access to the website at any time at its sole discretion and reserves the exclusive right to change or stop the operation of the website, in whole or in part, at any time and without giving notice.

    2. Without deviating from the aforementioned, Edna will be entitled to stop the activity carried out on the site, in whole or in part, temporarily and/or permanently, at any time, and without the user having any claim, right and/or claim in connection therewith.

    3. Edna will be entitled to condition entry and/or use of the website, in whole or in part, on registration and/or payment, and without the user having any claim, right and/or claim in connection therewith.

  9. Obsolescence

    1. Without deviating from what is stated in these terms and conditions of use, the user is aware, agrees and hereby confirms that the limitation period regarding any claim and/or claim, and/or demand against Edna and/or third parties related to the use of the website(s) by the user and/or to the products appearing on the website , will be limited to a period of 6 months and all parties consider this as an agreement for the limitation period as defined in section 19 of the Limitation Law, 1958-57.

  10. Jurisdiction and choice of law

    1. For any use of the website and/or for any claim, demand or request arising from this use and/or from any other matter and matter directly or indirectly related to this website, only the laws of Torat Israel shall apply. The place of jurisdiction will be the Jerusalem Regional Rabbinical Court at the address  עם ואלמו 4, Jerusalem, Israel only. And the substantive and procedural law that will apply will be Torah law, which will prevail over all choice of law rules that refer to the application of foreign law.

  11. Various

    1. The terms of use detailed above do not create and will not be interpreted as creating any partnership, joint venture, employee-employer relationship, agent or dispatch between the user and Edna.

    2. If a provision of the Terms of Use is found to be illegal, void or unenforceable for any reason, this provision will be deleted from the Terms of Use and its deletion will not affect the legality and validity of the remaining Terms of Use. In such a case, the existence of another similar condition will be considered enforceable in place of the deleted or removed condition.

    3. These terms of use constitute the complete agreement between you and Edna regarding the manner of using the website and supersede any other understanding and/or agreement, oral or written, regarding the use of the website and its contents.

  12. Consent according to Amendment 40 to the Telecommunications Law (Bezeq and Services), 1982 

    1. We confirm that the information provided by us, as well as the email address we provided, will be used, among other things, to offer us from time to time various commodities and/or services/or various marketing offers and/or "advertisement matter" according to Amendment 40 to the law The telecommunications (Bezeq and Services), 1982 as part of direct mail and/or in another way (including via facsimile, automatic dialing system, electronic message, written text message or in any other way), unless we have informed Adana of our unwillingness to receive mailing services Directly in accordance with the method determined by the company from time to time.

  13. Transaction cancellation and returns policy -

1. Customers will be able to return a product when it is closed in original packaging and cancel a transaction within 14 days of placing the order or receiving it, whichever is later.

2. A customer who is a person with a disability, a person aged 65 or older or a new immigrant, may cancel the transaction within 4 months, provided that the following 2 requirements are met: a. The entering into the transaction included a conversation (including a conversation made by email and included the company's response).  b. The customer must provide the company with an official certificate attesting to his compliance with the definition, as detailed in the list of certificates in the Consumer Protection Law.

3. In each section below that talks about a 14-day transaction cancellation period, the section period will be considered 4 months for a person who meets the above criteria.

​15. How to cancel

1. Cancellation of the transaction will be performed upon presentation of an invoice or proof of purchase and under the following conditions:

  • that the product has not been used and that it is returned in its original packaging.

  • The cancellation will be made within 14 days from the date of purchase or receipt of the goods, whichever is later.

  • It is not possible to cancel a transaction, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Regulations (cancellation of a transaction), 2010For products whose price is below NIS 50.

3. After the product is actually received by us, we will contact you (according to the customer details you entered in the purchase andin the transaction cancellation form) in order to credit you for the product in the required amount. The credit will be in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law.

4. In accordance with the Consumer Protection Law, cancellation fees will not exceed 5% of the price of the product or the set of services - including shipping fees if any - or NIS 100, whichever is lower. If settlement fees are charged from the company, the customer will be charged in addition to the cancellation fees also the settlement fees, and in accordance with proof of payment from the clearing company.


5. Cancellation fees will not be deducted when the reason for cancellation is a defect in the product, or an actual discrepancy between the product/service and the details provided to the consumer.

6. To cancel orders, contact us viaTransaction cancellation formand fill in all the details required by law.

16.How to return the products

1. By mail: Products can be sent to us at 63/9 Rabbi Wallenstein, Ramot, Jerusalem. It is recommended to use registered mail services so that the package can be tracked.
2. Upon arrival to us: Products can be returned at 63/9 Rabbi Wallenstein, Ramot, Jerusalem, Sunday-Thursday, by prior arrangement by telephone only (by telephone at 02-5862777)

3. Actual product return will be done after filling out a transaction cancellation form. 

17. Warranty for products

The warranty for the products is granted and realized by the suppliers of the products and is subject to the conditions stipulated in the warranty certificate (as far as it exists for the product), and subject to all laws.

18. Returning defective products

1. Everyone who purchases a product on this website is obliged to check the product immediately upon receiving it.

2. The company will replace any defective product that has reached the customer subject to the following conditions: The product is sent back within 14 days of receiving it. The product will be returned in its original packaging without being used at all, or with limited use until it was discovered that it is not working properly. The customer will attach his full details to the product to be returned and will agree to the company forwarding his details and the details of his complaint to the manufacturer and/or supplier of that defective product.

19.Cancellation of the transaction by the company

1. In addition to stipulating in the company's bylaws, in each of the cases listed below, the company will be entitled to cancel the order, even in the case where notice of the order was sent to the customer, without the customer being entitled to any remedy and without the customer having any claims against the company:

2. In the event of a shutdown or malfunction in the normal operation of the website due to "force majeure", and/or due to a case of a substantial malfunction in the computer system, the telephone system or other communication systems serving the company, and/or in any other case where they are delayed, prevented or disrupted Factors and/or events beyond the company's control the proper operation of the site or the supply of the products.

3. In the event that the customer has failed to comply with one of his obligations, including, but not limited to, the obligation to pay the consideration for the product he ordered and/or in any case where the customer has provided incorrect and/or inaccurate and/or incomplete information, including in the event of non-approval of the transaction on by the credit card company.

4. In case of lack of suitable stock of the product/s.

5. In each of the specified cases, the customer will not be charged for the order. If a payment is made, the customer will be financially credited with the full payment and with a credit invoice.

  1. For any matter, question and/or request, please contact Edna's customer service via -136bad5cf58d_       הטלפון02-5862777  או במייל

מדניות פרטיות
מדניות ביטול עסקה והחזרות
send a message
And a representative on our behalf will get back to you as soon as possible

Thank you for contacting us

רח' הרב וולנשטיין 63/9, ירושלים. ח.פ 512466590

לוגו עדנה מוצרי טבע

*המידע מתוך מאגרי מידע המבוססים על תרבויות עמים ורפואה אלטרנטיבית, ופעמים רבות מגובה בניסויים מדעיים. המידע באתר אינו מהווה המלצה או התוויה רפואית ו/או תחליף לכל טיפול רפואי/תרופתי אחר. הניסוחים לא נבדקו ולא אושרו ע"י משרד הבריאות. בכל מקרה של בעיה רפואית יש להיוועץ ברופא המטפל

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